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Careers guidance

Brentford School for Girls is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education for all our students in years 7 – 13. Careers education will be delivered through the BLOSSOM curriculum and complemented with activities. We are also committed to providing access to impartial and independent careers advice via the National Careers Service telephone helpline, through the Hounslow 14 - 19 service (for those students with additional needs) and through access to local employers. Impartial careers information and advice will continue to be delivered by our full-time Careers Education Co-ordinator within the school. The main aim of the careers department is to prepare pupils for life beyond Brentford School for Girls by linking them to the real world of work through mentoring, workplace visits, careers fairs, guest speakers and work related learning.

Students can expect:

Year 7

The BLOSSOM programme in Year 7 includes CEIAG modules focussing on Job, Career, Children and the Law, Budgeting, Equality and Gender Stereotyping

Year 8

The BLOSSOM programme in Year 8 includes CEIAG modules focussing on Skills and Qualities, Enterprise, the Changing World, Learning Styles and Sources of Information and an introduction to Careers Research. Students also focus on their option choices receiving an interview from a member of the SLT and subject specific assemblies.  The Year 8 drop-down careers day also offers students the opportunity to talk with local professionals from a range of occupational backgrounds. From year 8 onwards, all students are encouraged to develop employability skills by taking up volunteering opportunities advertised across the school. Recording their work on their volunteer log allows them to reflect on the skills they have gained and their relevance to the world of work.

Year 9

The BLOSSOM (PSHCEE) programme in Year 9 includes CEIAG modules focussing on the qualities, skills and qualifications needed to be successful in the workplace. Students also have the opportunity to visit a university in the summer term as part of the school’s annual Activities Week programme. 

Year 10

Careers lessons and activities will focus on post-16 options and the range of qualifications and routes available using amongst usual teaching methods, a mock interview with a local professional and Unifrog, an on-line careers exploration tool.

Year 11

All year 11 students are supported with their post-16 applications. They attend a 6th former for a day event in school and receive subject based assemblies. Students have a 1-to-1 careers guidance interview about their post-16 options and given impartial advice about their course choice. Students can opt-in to further advice through the school’s drop-in careers service. LAC and potential NEET students receive additional support from the borough’s 14-19 service. Potential NEET students also attend a Careers event outside school to further explore their options.

6th form

All 6th form students have access to a drop-in careers service in school delivered by the Careers Education Co-ordinator. Details about opt-in career events and courses are highlighted to all 6th form students via regular emails. An HE ‘Futures’ fair is organised in the Autumn term. 6th formers are supported through the UCAS process by their tutor and by attending workshops and assemblies presented by outside speakers from HE institutions, alumni and other professionals. Specialist workshops and interviews are organised to support alternative post-18 choices through various organisations. For more careers information for our sixth formers  please click here. 

Careers support

  • Amanda Willhite (Careers Education Co-ordinator):
  • Office number: 020 88474281 extension 2614